Baroque at the club

Auto, Lækjargata 2a - 12.10.2024 kl. 21:00

Where does classical music best belong? Does instrumental music from the Baroque period of the 17th and 18th centuries sound absurd in a nightclub? At the State of the Art festival, this will be explored with the concert BAROQUE AT THE CLUB on October 12th at 9:00 PM. Some of the best-known works from the Baroque era will be performed by a string quartet and harpsichordist amidst the lights and smoke machines of the AUTO nightclub on Lækjargata. Joining the strings and harpsichord on stage will be a master of electronic beats and drum machines, guiding Vivaldi and Bach into the realm of the 21st century and creating a soundscape you won't hear anywhere else but at State of the Art.