Bríet & ADHD

Norðurljós, Harpa - 8.10.2024 kl. 20:00

Will Bríet’s greatest hit, Esjan, sound wholly different with accompaniment by ADHD? Will Bríet whistle the melody to “London út” or will the quintet lead us into free improvisation? The answers to these questions and more will be revealed at State of the Art’s opening concert in Harpa concert hall on October 8th at 8 PM when Bríet and ADHD perform together for the first time.

Concerts with the band ADHD are often a journey into the unknown that can be hard to describe. The four members of the band create such a magic with their interplay that not falling under their spell is almost impossible. ADHD consists of Magnús T. Eliassen on drums, Ómar Guðjónsson on guitar, Óskar Guðjónsson on saxophone, and Tómas Jónsson on keyboards. The band has released 8 albums and performed around the world in the 17 years since their inception. Jazz clubs in Europe are frequently visited by the band, but their music touches upon various genres. The eclectic mixture they present has received positive feedback from music enthusiasts of all kinds.

Bríet rose to stardom when she released her debut album in 2018 and firmly established herself as one of Iceland’s biggest pop stars with “Kveðja, Bríet” in 2020, one of the best selling Icelandic albums ever. The singer and songwriter Bríet Isis Elfar was born in 1999 and is no lesser than ADHD when it comes to lively stage performances and memorable concerts. She has built a strong reputation as a top-quality performer, and her bespoke outfits and ethereal voice bear testament. Various members of ADHD have played alongside Bríet through the years but never all four together, and thus Bríet’s and ADHD’s concert at the festival is the first of its kind and a unique opportunity to hear these two forces of nature join together.