8. - 13. október


Hátíðarpassi State of the Art veitir aðgang að öllum almennum viðburðum hátíðarinnar ásamt sérstökum viðburðum einungis fyrir passahafa

Early bird verð - 14.900 kr.

“Contemporary.” When it comes to the arts, it’s a concept that tends to evoke the difficult, the austere, the grave. But we are here now, together with time, and–despite the times–we don’t feel that way at all.

There is a lightness, too, to contemporary music. Maybe the old contexts are weighing us down. Maybe we need new contexts. Context is everything. 

How does a pop diva react to free improvisation? Does Bach sound different in the car garage? What shall we wear to the baroque disco?

Unbound by genre and driven only by a thirst for discovery, we will survey the contemporary landscape over five autumn days. Our visiting artists serve as guides. They will present their music but also be thrust into new and exciting one-off collaborations with local and international artists. We will present old works like never before, hoping to make them new again. 

Hopefully we emerge with a beating heart, a smile on our face, and a stronger grasp of the state of the art.